As a writer, I help you lobby persuasively and sell more

I have a decade of writing experience, and as a psychologist, lobbyist, and copywriter.

Invest now in more influence and more sales.

Everybody writes, but to write well is a craft.

Just like carpentry and ice-skating it requires years of practice and dedication.

Most people have something worth sharing with the world.

So do you.

Strong ideas

Innovative products

A service that changes our lives.

And how you write about it determines whether you convince or repel people.

With the right words you convince stakeholders and sell more.

With the wrong words your clients and stakeholders click away.

You do not convince them, you do not sell anything, they forget about you.

Readers click away from bad writing

To find the right words you must understand how people think, focus, decide.

Sentences that convinces, that sell, are not about what you do. Not about your product, your conviction, your company.

And yet most online texts are about that.

And the readers, who would have bought from you, they click away and surf to a company that did invest in good writing.

Or they hold on to their old convictions, because your text did not convince them.

Those are missed opportunities, which cause you to miss out on sales and influence.

Good writing gets you clients

Good texts are about your clients and stakeholders.

Their worries, their desires.

Their pain, your painkiller.

I help you find the right words, with my decade of writing experience, and as a psychologist, lobbyist, and copywriter.

With good texts you do not need to peddle with your products and services, with your opinions.

You find more clients. You sell more. You convince more.

And so you make more money, expand your sphere of influence, and work with more satisfaction.

Hire me

Invest in more influence and sales.

Lobby more persuasively, so that your influence grows and you change the world.

Showcase your products and services better, so that you sell more to clients and secure the future of your business.

E-mail, call, or Whatsapp me. I would love to talk to you.

What happens when you get in touch?


We make an appointment to (video) call


You tell me about your organisation, what you do, what you want to achieve.


I tell you to what extent good writing can help you achieve it.


I write a plan, detailing which texts we need, which investments, by which date.


I share the plan within 48 hours after our call.


You decide whether you want to invest in more sales, in more influence.


If yes, then I will start to do research, call, write.


By the agreed date I will send you the texts.


You read them. We email or call about suggestions and questions.


I change the texts if necessary and resend them to you.


You use or upload your texts and we stay in touch on their effectiveness.


If necessary, we continue to make changes for more sales and more influence.

Invest in more influence and sales

Lobby with more persuasion, so that your influence grows and you change the world.

Showcase your products and services better, so that you sell more and secure the future of your business.

Email, call or Whatsapp me. I would love to talk to you.